Embracing 30

“The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.” -Oprah Winfrey


Through the years, this weekend in February always seems to bring big milestones. It was the weekend my husband asked my parents for my hand, the weekend we put our first offer on a house together, the weekend I decided to pursue my passion for writing and start a blog, the weekend we saw our Little Mirchi via 3D ultrasound and it all became real. This year it’s the weekend I’ll leave my 20’s and start a new journey into my 30’s.

The other night I was telling my husband how I felt old and he laughed, agreed sarcastically and then told me to think about all the good things that happened in my 20’s. We all have highs and lows in life, and I’ve had my fair share of lows, but these are some of my most treasured moments during my 20’s.

In my early 20’s I got my first corporate job. Traveled often with girlfriends. A few years later I moved to a new state, took a risk and met a stranger, had my ‘jab we met’ {when we met moment} and married that stranger. I learned to cook with some epic fails in the process. Bought a house with my husband, demolished it, managed our own construction and built our home. I discovered my passion of writing, started a blog while meeting an amazing community of like minded people. Built a closer relationship with God. Pregnancy was one of my most cherished and proud moments of being a woman. I experienced motherhood, a daily peak of my life. Breastfed for longer then I thought I could. Experienced being a working mom and a stay at home mom. Had my words featured in web and print publications. Some of my best travels were in my 20’s including mother daughter India trips, once with my mom and the next time with my daughter.

Thank you my darling 20’s, for all you’ve given me. 30’s I welcome you and look forward to the memories we will make.

8 thoughts on “Embracing 30

  1. Sounds like like it’s been an amazing decade and I’m sure the next one will be just as great with so many more wonderful memories to look back on.

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