Three Simple Lord Shiva Mantras and Their Meaning

Mahashivratri: The festival dedicated to the worship of Lord Shiva. On Mahashivratri we will celebrate many of Lord Shiva’s victories and spread stories of when he reminded us of his glory. I’m excited to share with you three simple Lord Shiva mantras and their meaning.

Three Simple Lord Shiva Mantras and Their Meaning

The union of Lord Shiva & Mother Parvati is also celebrated during this time as it reminds us when partners stand together, respect each other’s strengths and understand their weaknesses, they are a force to be reckoned with. The disagreements shown between Shiv & Shakti, assure us that no relationship is void of it’s ups and downs.

From the time we were little my Mom would have us give jal to our home Shivling every Monday. I love to know and understand the meaning of prayers and rituals so I thought I’d share the significance of the giving jal to a Shivling, how it’s related to self care and a few other Lord Shiva Mantras.

Why do we give jai on Shivratri

The significance of a Shivling:

A Shivling represents Shiv and Shakti, the balance of the universe. It represents a higher being who has no form or identity and is all-pervading.⁣

Why do we give jal:

Giving jal; pouring water/milk/honey on a Shivling represents our way of washing away our bad deeds, a cleanse of sorts. As Shiva plays the role of the father of destruction, it’s a humble request to rid us of negativity. ⁣

What we say while giving jal:

Om Namah Shivaya ||

Translation: I bow to you, Lord Shiva

This mantra has five syllables which represents the five elements of Mother Nature/Shakti: earth, water, fire, air and space. These elements all play a part in creation, sustainability and destruction.⁣

By combining the power of prayer along with the “Om Namah Shivaya” mantra is meant to awake your inner self, salute the power of the universe and bow to the powers within ourselves. It’s essentially the most ancient practice of self care as it encourages promoting inner positivity.

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Three Simple Lord Shiva Mantras and Their Meaning

It is believed that Lord Shiva can be pleased easily, loves his devotees and blesses abundantly. Below are two other Mantras that are easy to learn, along with their meanings. These Mantras are a great way to lead guided meditation with kids, or even yourself.

Om Namah Shivaya and it's meaning

Om Namo Bhagwate Rudraay ||

Translation: My deepest respects to Lord Rudra

This is one of the most powerful and simplest mantras used widely for worship and meditation. It praises Lord Rudra (Shiva) in prayer and asks to bless the individual.

Three Simple Lord Shiva Mantras and Their Meaning

Om Tryambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushti-Vardhanam Urvarukamiva Bandhanan Mrityormukshiya Mamritat ||

Translation: We worship the Lord with the third eye who is fragrant and who nourishes and nurtures all beings. As a ripened cucumber is freed from its bondage, may the Lord liberate us from death for the sake of immortality.

This mantra is one of Lord Shivas most powerful mantras and is an ask for good health and to overcome all obstacles.

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As a side note: I am in no way a Pujaran or Religious scholar. I grew up in a religious household where questioning the meaning and science behind our religious and rituals was deeply encouraged. While on the quest to dig deeper in my religious journey, I share my thoughts and stories with you.

11 thoughts on “Three Simple Lord Shiva Mantras and Their Meaning

  1. Infinite gratitude for sharing this informative, well-written article. Anyone who wants to start doing japa of Lord Shiva mantras would be highly benefitted by going through this content.

    Shiva is said to be very compassionate and easily pleased. A devotee should offer his mind, body, prana and soul to the good Lord and He will come running to the devotee.

    Om Namah Shivaya

    1. Wow ! So beautifully expressed ! Where did you find the cute shivling set with the dripping Kalash on top ans the jal pot ?! I’m writing to you from India 😁

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