3 Things Thursday {Week 10}


Annnnd I’m back! Although I tried, I was just too exhausted from traveling to think, let alone post anything.

If you are new to 3 Things Thursday and would like to learn more check out my initial post about it. For directions on how to link up, follow the post!


Spr-ummer Cleaning

Since I didn’t get a chance to properly do spring cleaning this year as I was busy with Little Mirchis birthday and planning for our trip, I’ve finally started to clean and organize now! It feels like every few weeks I’m redoing our closets, especially our little ones. Usually I shift her smaller clothes on the lower shelf and add her new size to the top shelf. Well the lower shelf is now overflowing so I’ll be redoing her entire closet in the next few days. It’s bitter sweet to pack away all her little bitty baby clothes.


Auto pilot

Hello jet lag. Goodbye normal sleep. I’ve been on auto pilot since I’ve got back, trying not to sleep in the day when I’m really feeling sleepy and awake during the night when in reality I should be passed out. Just call me zombie. Oh and it doesn’t help when your tot is sleeping in two hour increments because she has no idea what’s happening with the time.


Lap infant

Ever since we got back from India, Little Mirchi can’t stand sitting in her car seat for too long. At first I couldn’t figure out why, she used to love going for car rides. Then it dawned on me, for the past three weeks she was riding around in our laps. She’s gotten so used to sitting wherever she pleases that being confined is just not fun anymore. We switched her car seat to front facing now (her feet were touching the seat anyways so it was only a matter of time). So far it’s been better but she still has her moments where she wants to jump out, into my lap.

Looking forward to reading your 3 things this week!


2 thoughts on “3 Things Thursday {Week 10}

  1. Great to have you back! Glad the trip went well but I can imagine the jet lag must be a killer. Hopefully you’ll all be back to local time soon. DId the jet lag affect little mirch?

  2. So happy to have to you back Nisha. I went through a similar experience with Armaan when I took him to London as a baby – he did not want to get back into his car seat! We had to flip him around to make car reads an option again too.

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